Hakko Compatible Replacement Tips

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Hakko Compatible Replacement Tips

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Plato manufactures long-life soldering tips for Hakko stations, including the newer FX-888D, older stations like 926, 928, 936, and desoldering stations.

Long Life

Using a high-quality Plato soldering tip increases soldering speed and decreases the total cost of manufacture. Higher temperatures and high tin content solders, common in lead-free soldering processes, place additional strain on soldering iron tips. The long life of a Plato soldering iron tip reduces tip changes, decreasing the total number of tips used and decreasing downtime.

Rapid Heat Recovery

Plato soldering tips are constructed from highly conductive premium grade copper to transmit heat to the work more quickly than other brands of soldering tips. Quick heat recovery enables more joints to be soldered per minute, reducing manufacturing time and costs.

Tip Shapes & Sizes for Every Application

Plato soldering tips are available in a wide variety of geometries including pointed / conical, blade/knife, chisel/screwdriver, and bevel. This allows you to solder fine contact areas, reach isolated areas on dense board designs, solder large pad areas, drag solder, or quickly remove solder with desoldering braid.

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