Flux Remover Selection Guide

The Flux Remover Selection Guide from Techspray is designed to help you find the right defluxer for your application.  Flux removers (defluxers) remove flux residues and other contaminants left by manufacture, rework or repair of printed circuit boards.  Residues from higher, lead-free temperatures are more baked on and harder to clean.  Tehchspray flux removers have been proven very effective at removing fluxes backed on at lead-free temperatures.

Click on part # or product name below for more details on each product.

NOTE: Test for substrate compatibility as a part of your qualification process.   

KEY:  * Non-heated ultrasonic only      + Rinse required

  3401 PWR-4 Flux Remover 1631/1634 G3 Flux Remover 1638 G3 Bulk Solvent 1651 Precision-V 1649 Precision-V No-Clean 1652 Precision-V Plastic-Safe
Nonflammable X X X X X X
Evaporation rate (1=slow, 5=fast) 5 5 5 5 5 5
VOC% (EPA) - Aerosol 73 64 - 37 64 13
VOC% (EPA) - Bulk 95 - 61 49 - 18
VOC% (CARB) - Aerosol 70 75 - 75 75 75
VOC% (CARB) - Bulk 100 - 100 100 - 100
Benchtop cleaning X X X X X X
Ultrasonic X   X X   X*
Vapor degreasing X     X    
Inline defluxing system            
Batch defluxing system            


  1610 E-LINE IPA 1621 E-LINE Flux Remover 1550 Eco-dFluxer SMT100 1520 Eco-dFluxer SMT200 1530 Eco-dFluxer SMT300
Nonflammable     X X X
Evaporation rate (1=slow, 5=fast) 3 4 1 1 1
VOC% (EPA) - Aerosol 75 75 - - -
VOC% (EPA) - Bulk 100 - 45 22 52
VOC% (CARB) - Aerosol 75 75 - - -
VOC% (CARB) - Bulk 100 - 45 52 22
Benchtop cleaning X X      
Ultrasonic X* X X+ X+ X+
Vapor degreasing          
Inline defluxing system     X X X
Batch defluxing system     X X X

Browse our full line of flux removal products here. Still not sure which defluxer is right for your application?

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